Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick take communion to those who cannot attend Mass because of illness, injury, or age issues.
These ministers keep parishioners connected to Good Shepherd and bring them the comfort and strength of the Eucharist during difficult times in their lives. We minister to people in their homes, in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and retirement communities within our parish.
Parishioners who would like to have a Minister bring them communion when they cannot attend Mass either for a short period of time or long term, may contact Parish Office at (830) 833-5227.
How much time is involved?
Time commitment for this ministry varies by minister. Some choose to commit to bringing communion to a homebound parishioner weekly for many years. Some commitments last only a few weeks, e.g., while a parishioner is recovering from surgery. Others serve once a month at a nursing home or retirement community. Ministers choose the commitments that fit their work schedule and family needs. We firmly believe that the Holy Spirit guides our Minister to the homebound parishioner who needs them the most.
What is required of me?
If you interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister to the Sick, you should contact our Liturgy Director. Training sessions for this ministry are generally held in the fall - watch the bulletin or this website for dates and times. Ministers to the Sick receive training as Eucharistic Ministers and also receive ministry-specific training. Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick must also be certified by the Diocese of Austin in the Ethics and Integrity in Ministry program.